
Digital Law and Data Privacy

Digital Law and Data Privacy

With relation to the General Law for the Protection of Data (LGPD) and regarding data security in general, Fogaça Moreti Law Offices offers specialized services in areas such as:

  • Mapping and inventory of data utilized by an organization;
  • Identification of access levels to personal data available to employees, partners and third parties;
  • Definition of the corporate management structure for data administration;
  • Awareness-raising on data security among top management;
  • Development/revision of privacy policies;
  • Evaluation and recommendations regarding the terms of use for cookies by websites, and applications;
  • Evaluation and development of measures to support information security;
  • Support in definition of management systems for personal data within the organization covering entry, maintenance, and elimination of data;
  • Development of a checklist for the evaluation of suppliers responsible for the handling of personal data;
  • Implementation of access controls over data;
  • Development of periodic communiques regarding data protection programs;
  • Training of key employees;
  • Risk evaluation (DP&A) of projects, websites, applications, and other processes;
  • DPO (Data Protection Officer) consultations or DPO outsourcing;
  • Crisis consulting in conjunction with the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD – Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados), institutional communications, etc.;

In addition, Fogaça Moreti Law Offices is active in the area of digital rights, covering:

  • Development of partnership structures appropriate for the development of new technologies via start-ups and enterprises involved in e-commerce, financial services, etc.;
  • Consultation regarding tax implications of such activities;
  • Assistance in registration of trademarks, patents, software, and methods for protecting intellectual property.